Time Slots Definition

Time Slots Definition

Time Slot Definition English

Time Slots DefinitionTime slots definition us history

The Höchst Industrial Estate in Frankfurt has a surface area of 460 hectares, 120 production plants, 800 laboratory and office buildings, 90 established multinational companies and approximately 22,000 employees in one of the largest production and research locations for chemicals and pharmaceuticals in Europe.

Infraserv Logistics GmbH, a specialized Chemicals Logistics Provider, is responsible for one of the greatest challenges imaginable; the management of logistics in the Chemicals Park. The logistical tasks encompass the gate processes of all incoming and outgoing heavy goods traffic, as well as a large part of the logistics on the industrial estate for established companies which extends from the port via a trimodal container terminal for trucks, ships and trains through to railway traffic on the estate.

The INFORM software acts as a basis for the truck scheduling and was already implemented in the first expansion stage. As such, the control of the trucks through the process is made easier with self-service check-ins as well as the processing and the integration of mobile end devices. An optimized time slot structure enables a better control of the trucks.

Is Time Slot One Or Two Words

Looking for definition of time slot? Time slot explanation. Define time slot by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. Time slot meaning: 1. A time when something can happen or is planned to happen, especially when it is one of several. Time-slot definitions A defined interval, or slot, of time recognizable by devices and designated for a specific purpose or operation. Time slot management offers the possibility of offering different types of time slots. For example, with allocation, the type of goods, the contract details, the carrier can be taken into account to accommodate more flexible and varying requirements. As such, regular time slots.


  • A length of time allotted to someone or something, especially in a broadcasting schedule.

    ‘the series aired in what will be its regular Friday 10 p.m. time slot’
    • ‘time slots booked for a particular surgeon’
    • ‘We placed the show in its June time slot to give exhibitors a chance to preview their fall lines to buyers.’
    • ‘Aware of its declining status, he began searching last spring for a new venue and a new time slot for the fair, traditionally held at Navy Pier in early May.’
    • ‘While excited that the critically acclaimed, yet relatively little watched show was given the prime, post-Super Bowl time slot, I actually had little faith that the increased exposure would translate into substantially more viewers.’
    • ‘Now there are DVDs, and I can watch my favorite shows as often as I want, without the interference of networks that see fit to change a show's time slot on a whim.’
    • ‘When we started making it we didn't even know what timeslot it was going to be on and it was a low budget show, so we kind of just made it for us and there weren't really any concessions made.’
    • ‘I never felt that the material was padded just for the sake of filling a time slot.’
    • ‘In its original weekday time slot, the show became an enormous cult hit.’
    • ‘I guarantee everyone will keep the time slot they had at the end of last year.’
    • ‘Getting solo acoustic performers ready three to five minutes before their time slot doesn't need to be a headache, even if they have limited stage experience.’
    • ‘I think that having the earliest time slot of the night didn't help the band.’

Time Slot Definition Dictionary

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